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Mission 70/26


of Croatia's adult population suffers from arterial hypertension

One-fifth of patients do not know that they have arterial hypertension, and control has been achieved in less than 50% of treated patients 

Arterial hypertension is the most common and significiant factor of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal risk both worldwide and in Croatia

Arterial hypertension is the main risk factor for mortality because it increases the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure, and it is also the main factor for disability and years of life lost (

What do we want to accomplish?

It is our mission to achieve controlled valuse of blood pressure in 


of treated patients with arterial hypertension by 2026

For healthcare professionals only
For the general population and patients

About the mission

Arterial hypertension is the most important public health problem in Croatia, and its role as the main risk factor for cardiovascular, brain and kidney diseases is still not recognised enough. In order to increase awareness about the importance of this issue and to improve control in treated individuals with arterial hypertension, a program entitled “Mission 70/26” has been initiated with the goal of achieving target values in 70% of treated patients with arterial hypertension by 2026, which would significantly decrease the overall cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal morbidity and mortality in Croatia. This mission is part of the permanent campaign of the Croatian Hypertension League called “The Hunt for the Silent Killer”.

Projekt 70_26 - logo (1).png


1. Polónia J, Martins L et al., PHYSA – Journal of Hypertension 2014, 32:1211-1221; 


3. Poulter N et al., Hypertension. Lancet. 2015; 386:801-812; 


5. Jelaković B et al. Epidemiology of hypertension and salt intake in Croatia EH-UH 2 study, 2022. unpublished data

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